KALI Trio aren’t interested in genre. Nicolas Stocker (drums, electronics), Urs Müller (guitar) and Raphael Loher (piano, electronics) work in a world of contemporary music where ideas around minimal, ambient, jazz and electronic music are regarded as just variations of a common language. Whether working with composed or improvised material, the three musicians follow their intuition and draw on their deep and anti-ideological understanding of music history.
KALI Trio is a working band; one that works towards being a true musical and social organism. Their aim is to create a “sound cosmos”, where the sound of the whole overrides any individual musicianship. The musicians met in Lucerne. Initially, Raphael and Nicolas started as a duo. In 2015 Urs joined, to make the trio we know today.
Their third album, The Playful Abstract will celebrate their tenth anniversary as a band. Their second album, LOOM, was released in 2021 on Nik Bärtsch’s label Ronin Rhythm Records. LOOM won the album of the year from Radio 3FACH. KALI Trio won the ZKB Jazz Audience Award in 2017 and were awarded by the canton of Lucerne in 2018 and 2022 for their musical work. KALI Trio have performed at festivals like Jazz Festival Willisau, Cully Jazz, InJazz Rotterdam, Match & Fuse Festival, Suisse Diagonales Jazz, Schaffhauser Jazz Festival and Montreux Jazz Festival.
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